Viral Launch Review:
Boost Your Amazon Empire with These Game-Changing Tools!

Success on Amazon

Viral Launch has helped thousands of sellers grow their businesses within the Amazon marketplace. Leverage the Viral Launch platform to take your business to new levels of success


Accounts start from $69 per month

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?Our page editors are carefully selected for their expertise and knowledge for this product.
Page Editor & Reviewer
Craig Mariner
Last Updated April 27, 2023
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3.3 out of 5

Craig Mariner, known as the "Energy Ball," is a passionate writer who covers an impressive range of topics.
His dedication and seemingly endless energy have made him a favorite among readers.

When not writing, Craig enjoys spending quality time with his lovely wife Catherine, their two cats, and engaging in various family activities. Committed to excellence and consistently exceeding expectations, Craig is a force to be reckoned with in the world of content creation.


So, what are the key features for Viral Launch?

  • Comprehensive product research to identify profitable products and markets
  • In-depth market and keyword research capabilities for optimizing your listings and advertising campaigns
  • Expert coaching and support services to guide you through every step of your Amazon journey
  • Access to a wealth of resources, including webinars, blog articles, and video tutorials, to help you stay informed about the latest industry trends and best practices
  • AI-powered PPC management with Kinetic PPC for improved ad performance and ROI

What's great about Viral Launch?

  • User-friendly interface with a wide range of tools tailored specifically for Amazon sellers
  • Data-driven insights to help you make smarter decisions and boost sales
  • Expert coaching and support services to help you scale your Amazon business
  • Access to a wealth of resources to stay informed and updated on industry trends and best practices
  • AI-powered PPC management for better advertising performance and ROI

What you need to be aware of:

  • Pricing could be a concern for new sellers or those with limited budgets.

Pricing and what you get


$69/mo or $58/mo billed annually
  • Amazon product research
  • Amazon product filtering
  • Keyword Search Volume
  • Browser research extension
  • Advice & guidance
  • Global data

The perfect solution for Amazon product research


$99/mo or $83/mo billed annually
  • Everything you need to sell successfully on Amazon
  • All features from Essentials plus:
  • Use metrics like monthly revenue, historical sales, and price trends
  • Competitor monitoring
  • SEO & listing optimization
  • Rank tracking & alerts
  • Listing health analysis

Pro Plus Ads:

$199/mo or $166/mo billed annually
  • The all-in-one platform for Amazon advertising & sales optimization
  • All features from Pro plus:
  • Robust Amazon advertising platform
  • Detailed advertising analytics and data
  • Create & customize your own automations
  • 24/7 campaign monitoring & adjustments
  • Organic + PPC keyword tracking

Unlock Your Amazon Success with Viral Launch

In today’s highly competitive e-commerce landscape, Amazon sellers need every advantage they can get. Viral Launch offers an all-in-one suite of powerful tools and resources, specifically designed to help Amazon sellers unlock their true potential. By providing a comprehensive set of features and data-driven insights, Viral Launch aims to empower sellers in finding profitable products, optimizing listings, enhancing advertising campaigns, and ultimately, scaling their businesses to new heights.

The platform caters to various types of Amazon sellers, including budding entrepreneurs looking for lucrative products and markets, established sellers seeking to expand their product range and optimize listings, and agencies or consultants offering Amazon seller services that require access to robust tools and data. With Viral Launch, sellers can leverage cutting-edge features and data-driven insights to make more informed decisions, improve their overall performance, and gain a competitive edge.

Viral Launch’s extensive range of tools and resources are designed to address the most critical aspects of Amazon selling. From product research and market analysis to keyword optimization and PPC management, the platform provides all the necessary tools to help sellers succeed in the ever-evolving Amazon marketplace. Moreover, with access to Amazon seller coaching and resources, users can stay up-to-date with the latest best practices and strategies to navigate challenges and efficiently grow their Amazon business.


Unearth Profitable Products with Product Research

Success on Amazon begins with finding the right products to sell. Viral Launch’s Product Discovery tool empowers sellers to uncover profitable product ideas by leveraging advanced filters and data analysis. Sellers can search for products based on various criteria, such as sales, reviews, price, and more, ensuring they find items that align with their specific goals and objectives.

One of the most valuable aspects of the Product Discovery tool is its ability to provide historical sales data, enabling sellers to identify trends and make well-informed decisions. By understanding the sales history of a product, sellers can gauge its long-term potential, seasonal fluctuations, and overall market stability. This information is crucial for minimizing risks and maximizing the likelihood of success in the competitive Amazon marketplace.

In addition to identifying profitable products, sellers can also use the Product Discovery tool to study and analyze niche markets. By diving deep into specific categories and subcategories, sellers can uncover hidden gems with low competition and high potential for growth. This targeted approach allows sellers to carve out their own niche within the vast Amazon ecosystem and build a successful and sustainable business.

With the right products in hand, sellers can then use Viral Launch’s other tools and resources to optimize listings, conduct market research, and manage PPC campaigns to further enhance their overall performance and profitability. The combination of these tools and the powerful Product Discovery feature ensures that sellers have all the necessary resources to succeed on Amazon and achieve their business goals.

Harness the Power of Market Research to Stay Ahead of the Competition

Understanding market trends and competition is essential for Amazon sellers looking to gain a competitive edge. Viral Launch’s Market Intelligence tool provides detailed insights into product markets, sales data, and competition levels, helping sellers make better decisions about which products to sell and how to position their listings for success.

With the Market Intelligence tool, sellers can analyze crucial data points such as sales volume, average price, review count, and best seller rank. This information allows sellers to identify high-potential products, gauge market saturation, and estimate the level of competition they may face. By utilizing these insights, sellers can strategically position their products to capitalize on emerging trends and avoid entering oversaturated markets.

In addition to providing valuable data on individual products, the Market Intelligence tool also offers a broader view of market dynamics. Sellers can explore trends and fluctuations within specific categories and subcategories to understand the overall market landscape. This macro-level perspective is crucial for identifying untapped opportunities and developing a well-rounded, data-driven product strategy.


Drive Sales and Visibility with Expert Keyword Research

Optimizing product listings with the right keywords is critical for increasing visibility and driving sales on Amazon. Viral Launch’s Keyword Research tool enables sellers to find relevant and high-converting keywords by analyzing search volume, relevancy, and competition. This information can be used to optimize product listings and PPC campaigns for maximum results.

The Keyword Research tool provides sellers with a list of the most relevant and popular keywords related to their products. These keywords can be incorporated into product titles, descriptions, and backend search terms to improve listing visibility and increase organic traffic. Moreover, the tool helps sellers identify long-tail keywords and niche search terms that may have lower competition, allowing them to target a more specific audience and improve conversion rates.

By using the Keyword Research tool to optimize product listings, sellers can enhance their Amazon SEO and improve their rankings in search results. Higher rankings translate to more visibility, which in turn leads to increased sales and revenue. In addition, the tool also aids sellers in optimizing their PPC campaigns, helping them target the most effective keywords and maximize their advertising ROI.

Optimize Your Listings for Maximum Impact and Sales

Creating an optimized product listing is crucial for driving sales and increasing visibility on Amazon. Viral Launch’s Listing Analyzer and Listing Builder tools provide data-driven suggestions and best practices for crafting compelling and optimized product listings that resonate with customers and stand out among the competition.

The Listing Analyzer tool examines your existing listings and identifies areas for improvement. By evaluating factors such as product title, bullet points, description, and images, the tool generates actionable insights and recommendations for enhancing your listing’s appeal and effectiveness. This data-driven analysis helps sellers pinpoint weaknesses in their listings and make strategic improvements to boost conversion rates and sales.

Viral Launch’s Listing Builder tool complements the Listing Analyzer by guiding sellers through the process of creating optimized listings from scratch. With its user-friendly interface and step-by-step instructions, sellers can easily incorporate relevant keywords, craft compelling copy, and showcase their products with high-quality images. The Listing Builder also offers features such as real-time keyword scoring, which allows sellers to gauge the effectiveness of their keyword usage and make adjustments accordingly.

Together, the Listing Analyzer and Listing Builder tools empower Amazon sellers to create optimized product listings that drive sales and increase visibility. By leveraging these tools, sellers can ensure their listings are not only attractive but also highly effective in capturing the attention and interest of potential customers.


Streamline Your PPC Management for Better Performance and ROI

Effectively managing Amazon PPC campaigns is key to achieving better ad performance and higher return on investment. Viral Launch’s Kinetic PPC tool uses AI-powered optimizations and insights to help sellers improve their advertising campaigns, making the most of their advertising budget.

The Kinetic PPC tool offers features such as automated bid adjustments, which optimize bids based on campaign performance and target ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sales). This ensures that sellers are not overspending on underperforming keywords and allows them to allocate their budget more effectively. The tool also provides advanced keyword targeting options, enabling sellers to identify high-performing keywords and focus their ad spend on those with the greatest potential for sales and revenue.

With performance reporting, sellers can track their PPC campaign’s performance over time and gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their advertising strategies. This data can be used to make data-driven decisions and adjustments to their campaigns, leading to better results and a higher ROI.


Expand Your Knowledge and Grow Your Business with Expert Coaching and Support

Viral Launch offers access to Amazon seller coaching and resources designed to help you scale your business and navigate the challenges that come with selling on the platform. By providing expert advice and guidance, Viral Launch helps sellers learn best practices, overcome obstacles, and grow their Amazon businesses more effectively.

The platform’s coaching and support services cover various aspects of Amazon selling, such as product selection, listing optimization, PPC management, inventory management, and more. With the help of experienced Amazon sellers and experts, users can gain valuable insights and strategies to ensure the success of their businesses.

In addition to coaching services, Viral Launch also offers a range of resources for Amazon sellers, including webinars, blog articles, and video tutorials. These resources cover a wide array of topics, such as market research, keyword research, and advertising strategies, to help sellers stay informed and up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in the industry.

By leveraging Viral Launch’s coaching and support services, Amazon sellers can gain the knowledge and skills needed to expand their businesses and achieve success on the platform. These resources offer invaluable guidance and information to help sellers make informed decisions, improve their operations, and effectively compete in the ever-evolving Amazon marketplace.


Viral Launch: Your All-in-One Solution for Amazon Success

To sum up, Viral Launch offers an extensive suite of tools, coaching, and resources tailored specifically for Amazon sellers at different stages of their businesses. With its data-driven insights, user-friendly tools, and expert guidance, Viral Launch can prove to be an invaluable partner for anyone striving to boost their sales and achieve success on the Amazon platform.

However, it is crucial to bear in mind that Viral Launch is specifically designed for Amazon sellers, and may not be as beneficial for those who sell on other e-commerce platforms. Furthermore, pricing could be a concern for new sellers or those with limited budgets.

By choosing Viral Launch as your partner, you can enjoy a wide range of benefits, including:

  • Comprehensive tools to help you identify profitable products and markets
  • In-depth market and keyword research capabilities to optimize your listings and advertising campaigns
  • Expert coaching and support services to guide you through every step of your Amazon journey
  • Access to a wealth of resources, including webinars, blog articles, and video tutorials, to help you stay informed about the latest industry trends and best practices

Embrace the power of Viral Launch and unlock your Amazon success today!

?Our page editors are carefully selected for their expertise and knowledge for this product.
Page Editor & Reviewer
Craig Mariner

Craig Mariner, known as the "Energy Ball," is a passionate writer who covers an impressive range of topics.
His dedication and seemingly endless energy have made him a favorite among readers.

When not writing, Craig enjoys spending quality time with his lovely wife Catherine, their two cats, and engaging in various family activities. Committed to excellence and consistently exceeding expectations, Craig is a force to be reckoned with in the world of content creation.

What do we think?

Viral Launch is an all-encompassing platform designed to help Amazon sellers at every stage of their business journey.

With a range of powerful tools and features, it offers the ability to conduct product research, optimize listings, and manage advertising campaigns effectively. With three pricing plans tailored to different needs, you can choose the package that suits your business the best.

Don’t miss the opportunity to scale your Amazon business and unlock your full potential. Take the first step towards success by trying out Viral Launch today.

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At GrowthSupermarket, we hold ourselves to rigorous editorial standards to empower you to make confident decisions.

Our team invested over 40 hours researching Viral-Launch, and we provide you with an objective overview of the Viral-Launch platform's pros and cons, along with any current offers, to help you find the best fit for your needs.