Crazy Egg

Through Crazy Egg's heat map and scroll map reports you can get an understanding of how your visitors engage with your website so you can boost your conversion rates


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Key Features

  • Record the entire user session
  • Get access to the Crazy Egg A/B testing page editor
  • Generate multiple heatmap variants

Great for

  • Know exactly where your visitors are coming from, who referred them and how they behave on your site
  • With the Crazy Egg Scrollmap report, know what content gets your visitors excited and focus on what matters
  • Create the perfect page with A/B Testing and automatically launch the winning page when enough data has been collected
  • See all the individual clicks on your page and segment them by referral sources, search terms and more to see how different types of visitors behave
  • Get the exact number of clicks for every element on your page
  • Detect how far down the page people scroll so you know where you lose their attention

Be aware that

  • There is a learning curve to understanding all the features available with the platform
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